Thursday, May 11, 2006

Who's On The Throne?

Yes religionless I am. I don't even bother to think if your prophets did truely exist the way you describe them & to be honest their so called miracles are not half as interesting as Harry Potter's!

Actually I don't even have the time to think which of your gods is better, mightier, smarter... Or which of your prophets was the true messenger, the more handsome...

Muslim, Christian, Hendu or Jew maybe you lost your gods somewhere behind your prophets. It is not about god & prophets anymore but the hidden ambitions. Your gods have price tags worth your prides while reality is the burried victim. Even with GPS it is difficult to understand many paths toward the same destination exist.

Religionless I am yet I do worship me, viruses, leaves, musicians & the many gods I have come to notice.

Oh I lost my doG in their mirrors...

The One About To Be Zapped By Zeus


Dr O2 said...

since when did religions become the permisiion to kill??? the tool to hate?

ChittyChittyBangBang! said...

What better way to accentuate the differences between ppl than by who they worship and what they believe in?
As to why it is the tool of hate? Well, if you can claim that your acts are sanctioned by higher power, does that not take the blame/responsibility/accountability away from you?

Sarah said...

Religion never gave the power to kill.. We added that clause..

. said...

hi there, very insightful post. Yet, I am not where you are. I am just upset with the way the whole world is.

starry said...

I am Disillusioned with religion as a whole. I feel that If I live my life as a decent human being, then I will go to heaven or whatever place you may call it when I die. Stopped by ,but had to put my two cents in.Hope you dont mind.

cytherea said...

Ya that's it! Doing what you think it's right to do.

I mean being religionless.
I consider them as being an insult to the fact that I can think.

jac said...

To hell with the new definitions people added to relegions.

I still like to believe that it is a myth.

jarvenpa said...

You are probably one of the more truly spiritual people around, my doctor friend. I find those who talk loudest about these subjects and profess to know (whatever name they give the divine) seem to really know the least.

Dr O2 said...

chitty - yeah it is stupid how religion has become the tool of politix from US to others countries!

immigrant in canada - they added the clause & we accepted it. We are also to blame.

Behrooz - well we all have our bad days ;-)

starry nights - that is what religion is all about. Being a better human. No need to read specific words or pray in a strict way in some language you might not understand. It is by heart one feels the necessity to act properly not by superficial acts.

cytherea - I hate the way religion has become a tool in the hand of the mighty to justify their actions. We all know what's the purpose of it all.

jac - It is no different with Zeus what we worship these days! the names have changed but it is still mythical. While prophits were normal people just like us! nO magicians! they were messengers n I find it hard to believe their message was based on war or prevailing!

mindinside - profound!

Jarvenpa - I share the same feeling! I hate the abusive methods they justify by religion.

David said...

I am certainly not religious in any conventional way. The universe came into being somehow. Perhaps it had help from some being or race of beings far more advanced than the human race. Or perhaps they were just arrogant and played with too hot a flame. I have often wondered if some of our brilliant physicists might accidentally give birth to a new universe with their next great super colliding super toy. It would be quite unfortunate for us, as this new universe would undoubtedly destroy our little blue planet and much more!

Getting back to where I started, I do not give my allegiance to any of the world's dogmatically codified religions. However, that does not mean that I am not religious. I do believe in certain moral precepts and I do enjoy observing and learning from the symphony of life that surrounds us all. Harry Potter stories make life more interesting too! :)

Get a lightning rod dude! ;)

Anonymous said...

Another agonistic is here too.I wish I could get rid of this battle between God and "Religionless" .It seems a no no!

Frank said...

Another agonistic is here too.I wish I could get rid of this battle between God and "Religionless" .It seems a no no!

David said...

Now, to comment on the first comment:

I think that the invocation of religion has always been a very powerful tool of sociopathic leaders. It can be quite easy to manipulate a mass of people into doing horrible deeds by playing upon their most basic fears.

LiVEwiRe said...

I do find it interesting that no matter what an individual or group does, they can hide behind a curtain of religion and be protected. That is the biggest load of crap. One example that comes to mind (only one, or I'd go on forever) is abortion activists that feel it is ok to bomb clinics and kill staff, etc. They claim it is for their religion as (in their argument) 'it isn't right to kill babies'. But aren't they doing killing of their own? They carry out the actions of the precise thing they are preaching against. In their way of thinking, and this goes for alot of facets in numerous religions, they exclude themselves from the 'rules' that they are trying to support! So how CAN one have faith in something that has such a vile double standard. Arguments like that go round and round until you get dizzy or have a stroke. Religion and the basic concept of it's belief system has become so tained throught the years. People don't like to think that it can be touched by greed, selfishness, malice or anything else negative. Thing is, religion is something that has been organized by people, and as we well know, people can really just suck sometimes. I don't know of any GPS that can direct you to a place where the tainted views of some humans have been removed from humanity and religion. I do not practice religion, I try to live a good (albeit confusing at times) life and that is the best I can do. I've never been one to have much faith in things that I cannot see, or things that directly depend on the actions of others in a group. If I'm going to 'hell', fine, I'll go alone - I don't need some jackass that has warped the original meanings and stripped them of their purity to give me a shove. I'm not sure which group is more hypocritical - religion or politics, but I know they are equally as corrupt. Man, look at you, I stopped by to check out your blog and you 'made' me write all Nice call on the doG in the mirror, enjoyed that. (Sorry for rambling - guess it just hit a nerve.)

Spooky Witch said...

Agony is much more better than following some religion blindly.Religions caused death of human beings more than anything else...(with very quick overview of human history)

Anonymous said...

it's not the religion. it's the individu itself.

Dr O2 said...

david - I also believe in things but I don't believe in the people who run the religion-show! They are mostly the ones with specific ambitions & they are looking for an easy path to control the population. That is not even close to religion ;-)

Yet I hate ignorant people who when one talks nasty of god fear lightnings!!! get a grip people!? If there exists a god he should know better to judge people by their inside than their words ;-)

Frank - I don't even believe Religionless exists! it is a term used by certain religious people to degrade others.

Dr O2 said...

LW - WOOFFFF!! that was quite a comment!! From the oldest religion to Islam which has been the latest, all have been touched by superpowers n things have changed. If it was the roman Church for Christians who designed christianity, it has been the numerous Khalifeh in Islam who imported their visions to Islam. It is the duty of a wise soul to search and think of the concepts before accepting things.

Dr O2 said...

spooky witch - yeah. Many have died under the name of religion. If this is really what god sent us, one begins to wonder if he wanted to terminate Humanity in this method!!

NBB - partially but when individuals through their power indoctrinate their views then it is a different story...

Merete said...

Religion is poison to the people!

I belive there is a God, but he is within all of us. We are all brothers and sisters, we are all children of the Earth. We are all different but the same. We are ONE.

No matter if you belive in Buddah, God or Allah. Who cares. Besides, these wholy books were written by ´chosen ones´ who thoough they knew it all. I just don´t belive these bibles were faxed down from heaven...