Saturday, October 15, 2005

A Box Of Happiness Please...

The construction worker gazed out of the window, drowning in his happy thoughts. Still thinking about the full breakfast he had had that very morning. Thoughts of getting paid had kept him working all day but he had not felt time passing by…

Some meters away his boss was nagging about how things were not going as planned, barking at each & every moving object. His ego set on what his wife had demanded for the night’s ceremony, the decreased value of his shares in the stock market, the board’s decision on his contract…

Outside the window, some kids returning home from school, thinking of nothing but having fun. Holding their parents’ hands with pride. Dreaming of their own days of adulthood.

Sitting in his Mercedes, a prestigious man is staring at them with envy, ready to sacrifice his all just to be able to experience childhood once again.

The monkey was too puzzled to analyze the human race so he went to his bed trying to sleep and end the nightmare.


LiVEwiRe said...

Ah. There are moments when the idea of a more innocent time or era can actually become overwhelming. Having to face your own reality and knowing there isn't a way to 'go back' is somewhat nightmarish.

That isn't perchance you leaning against the it?

Shirin said...

I just came across your blog and read the whole lot at once. I really enjoyed it. You have a beautiful mind. A bit pessimistic at times but o’ well it produces good reads and that’s that. So is that you then musing there with the duster at the end of a mop?

Dr O2 said...

livewire - It is so head-spinning how feelings fly in the air. If they were just visible...

Shirin - tnx for the kind words. Happy to C U visiting...

Well actually the handsom guy is a good friend of mine :-) posing so nice I decided to use it... ;-)

LiVEwiRe said...

If they were visible, then we'd put them together in the order we wanted them to be in. I just don't think that's the way life is supposed to go; it might keep us from learning our true purpose. We suffer, feel joy, laugh, cry, become bored and confused...all of it. But I believe the guidelines are there.... we only control our interpretation, response, and actions. We just don't lay the groundwork.

Then again, what do I know? I'm just a frazzled cat in boots holding an axe... =)

David said...

The lives of monkeys are so much simpler than ours. When I was a kid, I used to go to the zoo pretty often. There was an exhibit there called monkey island, which was basically a large rock of concrete surrounded by a moat of water. On the island were dozens of small monkeys. All they did was eat and have sex. Indeed, at any given moment, there were at least several pairs of monkeys having sex! Looking back on it, I am amazed at my memories of parents and children of all ages standing around monkey island watching the ongoing sexual escapades! Considering that this zoo was in Alabama, the very heart of Christian fundamentalism in America, I am quite surprised now that there was not a great public outcry to have the monkey equivalent of Sodom and Gomorra sterilized of the ever expanding population of "sinful" monkeys! I sometimes wonder what became of monkey island. It seems that at some point the population density would have gone beyond critical. Perhaps there was a small monkey armageddon on the island. Or, perhaps there was one monkey that arose from the teeming masses and taught the others to wade across the forbidding monkey resistant moat of no return. Perhaps he led his devoted followers to storm the fences of the nearby giraffe enclosure seeking the salvation that seemed to beckon from within. Room! Room to roam and have more sex!

Dr O2 said...

the good thing about feelings is the undefined phenomenon.

we all love, hate, fear,... but no one knows if we call the same experiences by those names or even if the words are felt the same in individuals...

good post limewire.

Dr O2 said...

well David I am to agree with ya all the way and yet the example leaves nth to prove on monkeys. On the other hand it doesn seem to me that most of us are doing anythin but these anyways. Except for the money we have to earn in order to eat & have sex perhaps ;-) in our world nth comes for free so people have to work.

Maybe we look more complicated than we really are??

David said...

Omid, I think you understood my intention (aside from having a bit of fun :) ). Humans aren't really that much different from the little monkeys that I remember! Actually, the same monkeys living in the wild would have to do some work to gather food before they had enough energy to have sex. People's lives were a lot less complicated before the invention of agriculture. A hunting and gathering society can only expand their population as far as the available food supply will allow. Now the human race is more like the monkeys trapped on the island, only we don't have a giraffe enclosure to escape to!

Dr O2 said...

yep David I got the message... That was well put. Perhaps there is internet now to run to!

Dawn said...

What a perfect snapshot of humanity.